
Weekly Wednesday #3


"You know I am back like I never left, Another sprint, another step, 

Another day, another breath, Been chasing dreams, but I never slept."

Macklemore // Glorious

Personal - What's up? What's up next?

Hello guys - how are you? 

And yes I really wanna know how you're doing. Sometimes I feel like we're all so stressed out with work, personal stuff and school that we don't take enough time to think about our own wellbeing. So take a minute, think about it and maybe let me know in the comments what you've been up to these past weeks.

I guess I am back. As you may know I was on a road trip for about 2 weeks with my mum. (Yes I do travel with my mum and I am really glad that I got the opportunity to spend some time with her.) After that I was home for nearly 3 days before traveling to South France for another 6 days. And well now I am home. I've had an amazing time discovering new places and just making memories so start looking forward for some serious summer vibes here on the blog and on Instagram.

I've missed chatting with you, but in the same way my travels made me realise how much pressure I put on myself and also how much I love my blogging. I did not post an article on Sunday because I felt like taking some time to unpack, to realise that I am home and to basically settle down. 

If you've read my last 'Weekly Wednesday' article you probably know that our home makeover is still not finished and our house is a huge mess right now. So besides editing all the pictures I took during the last 3 weeks, my goal for this week is actually to finish at least painting my brothers old room before going back to school because that's what's happening in exactly a week. I personally must admit I hate back too school, the days before school I get so anxious that I can't do anything really. And let me tell you it's already starting right now which really freaks me out. But oh well I can't do anything about it, can I?  Hopefully I will be able to enjoy these last few days, wish me luck. 
How do you feel about going back to school?

(And by the way, I'll try to publish weekly updates until the end of September, thereafter I'll probably start to write monthly updates because believe it or not a blog is a lot of work and with school starting I might not be able to write more than one article a week.)

Thoughts - What I've been thinking about.

I don't really know if you like this category on my weekly update posts, but I love it. I like to write down the things that have been bothering me, observations I've made or my thoughts in general. So I thought I could collect all my thoughts and share them with you.

I need more  s u n s h i n e  in my life.

All the good things have to come to an end but that doesn't mean I have to forget everything that's happened.

Life is not about money, it's about being happy.

Nothing is more calming than watching the sunset after a beautiful day. 

Oh how I've missed these days, lazy days without any pressure nor sadness.
Oh how I've missed being myself.

This week I don't care about anything.

I am feeling so recovered and blessed.

Can I stay FOREVER?

Read & Heard - favourites of the week

I shared my summer reading list with you on my Insta Stories at the beginning of July and let my tell you the list has definitely grown. I am not quite sure if I should write a 'books I've read this summer article' so I thought I may just list the books I've read and loved below. So go check them out!

According to music I've been listening to a lot of new music, well let's say not necessarily new music but songs that are new to me. But today I am only sharing 3 of my current favourites with you because I am already planning a new Music Monday post, stay tuned.

See you soon,

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