Hot chocolate, falling leaves, warm sweaters, pumkins, candles,.. fall/autumn is here, which is actually my favorite season. Autumn is the only time of the year when you can cuddle down in your bed, light a candle, enjoy your own me-time and read BOOKS. On my vacation two weeks ago (post here) I've had enough time to finally read some books. An so I want to share my favorite ones with you and perhaps give you some inspiration.

Just let me say one more thing before I start, I decided to share with you the book description which you can find on the cover, as well as my own opinion.
Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell
Book description:
"Cath and Wren are identical twins and until recently they did absolutely everything together. How they're off to university and Wren's decided she doesn't want to be one half of apair any more - she wants to dance, meet boys, go to parties and let loose. It's not so easy for Cath. She would rather bury herself in the fanfiction she writes where there's romance far more intense than anything she's experienced in real life.
Now Cath has to decide whether she's ready to open her heart to new people and new experiences, and she's realizing that there's more to learn about love than she ever thought possible . . .
A tale of fanfiction, family and first love."
Personal opinion:
Back in April this year, I've written a review of the book Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. (here) I knew by that time that I wanted to read another book by Rowell and well what should I say I fell in love with this one. Fangirl is an amazing story, perfect for everyone who loves coming of age stories.
The alchemist - Paulo Coelho
A fable about following your dream
Book description:
"Dreams are made to be followed. Life is meant to be lived. Some books are meant to be read, oved and passed on. The alchemist is one of those books.
It is the story of a shepherd boy from the Spanish province of Andalusia who dreams of travelling the world in search of a treasure as desirable as any ever found. From his home he journeys to the exotic markets of North Africa and then into the Egyptian desert, where a fateful encounter with the alchemist awaits him . . .
It is an unforgettable story about the essential wisdom of listening to our heart and, above all, following our dreams."
Personal opinion:
The Alchemist is a very popular book which has had a life-changing effect on many people. I personally found that the fable was quite inspirational, nevertheless I would not say that this book has changed my life or way of thinking. It actually encourages you to find your own destiny and to follow you dreams.
The perks of being a wallflower - Stephen Chbosky
Book description:
"Charlie is a freshman. And while he's not the biggest geek in the school, he is by no means popular. Shy, introspective, intelligent beyond his years yet socially awkward, he is a wallflower, caught between trying to live his life and trying to run from it. Charlie is attempting to navigate his way through uncharted territory: the world of first dates and mixed tapes, family dramas and new friends; the world of sex, drugs, and the rocky horror picture show, when all one requires is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite. But Charlie can't stay on the sideline forever. Standing on the fringes of life offeres a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor."
Personal opinion:
I'm maybe one of the last persons on earth who has finally read this book, but at least I did and I'm very happy about it. The perks of being a wallflower is simply an amazing book, if you like deep thoughts, poetry, if you're ready to see life with other eyes here's your new favorite book, enjoy.
All the bright places - Jennifer Niven
The story of a girl who learns to live from a boy who wants to die.
Book description:
"Theodore Finch wants to take his own life. Violet Markey is devasted by her sister's death. They meet on the ledge of the school bell tower, and so their story begins. It's only together they can be themselves . . . But as Violet's world grows, Finch's begins to shrink, How far will Violet go to save the boy she has come to love?"
Personal opinion:
I personally really like reading coming of age books, so here's another one, presumably one of the best books I've ever read. All the bright places is a beautiful tragic love story, which leaves you sprechless afterwards.
Girl Online on tour - Zoe Sugg
Book description:
"Penny's bags are packed. When Noah invites Penny on his European music tour, she can't wait to spemd time with her rock-god-tastic boyfriend. But, between Noah's jam-packed schedule, less-than-welcoming bandmates and threatening messages from jealous fans, Penny wonders wether she's really cut out for life on tour. She can't help but miss her family. her best friend Elliot . . . and her blog, Girl Online.
Can Penny learn to balance life and love on the road, or will she lose everything in pursuit of the perfect summer?"
Personal opinion:
I think everyone of you should know Zoe Sugg aka Zoella, I really like her website and way of living. So when her first book came out. I had to read it and I was very impressed, now I've read her second book (in german) and I must say that I liked the first one way better, anyways I think this novel contains a beautiful story and I'm truly excited to read her third book, coming out very soon.
Mein Stück vom Himmel - Robin Gold
Book description:
"Das Glück ist wie eine Kugel Eis: Man muss es geniessen, bevor es schmilzt. Clover Gray is verzweifet: Ihr Traum von der eigenen Bäckerei ist zerbrochen, und wenn sie nicht bald Geld auftreibt, wird sie das Haus ihrer geliebten Grossmutter verlieren. Als ein landesweiter Eis-Contest ausgerufen wird, wittert Clover ihre Chance auf einen Neuanfang - denn sie hat ein Händchen für süsse Köstlichkeiten und das perfekte Rezept im Kopf. Beim Wettbewerb begegnet sie Cal, zu dem sie sich sofort hingezogen fühlt. Doch Cal ist auch Clovers grösster Rivale, und er und seine kleine Tochter brauchen das Preisgeld noch dringender als sie . . . "
Personal opinion:
For those of you who have read the book desciption just above, this should have been a little bit confusing, because this is basicly written in german. I know that this novel is also available in english, but I couldn't find the description. For those of you who are interested, this book is a beautiful story about love, ice cream, following your dreams, passions,..
See you soon,
"A book is a dream. You hold in your hand."
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