
Music Monday II Lifestyle

"Sometimes it feels like the lyrics to a song you're listening to, were written just for you."

Hello everybody, how are you?

So far I have written two articles about music, one about my current music favourites (article here) and in another one I've shared some thoughts with you (article here). And as a huge music enthusiast I decided to turn it into a little series. So all in all,  I am planning to share my favourite songs from time to time with you. I hope you're as excited as I am. 
Below you will find 5 pop songs as well as 5 alternative songs. Oh and by the way have a look at my spotify account (here) if you like my music taste. Enjoy! 
What's your favourite song at the moment? Let me know in the comments down below.

Pop Section:

Alternative Section:

See you soon,

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